1. Consider asking your students to make videos that share their favorite things about music and being in your program. Here are some good starter questions:
Why did you select your instrument?
What's your favorite piece of music to play?
What do you like about your instrument?
What’s your favorite part about being in music?
Also, invite the directors in the schools your students feed into to visit and introduce themselves. Making these connections early will help students feel welcomed and a part of their new school community early on.
2. Check in with your counselor's office to confirm when next year's class rosters need to be submitted. Registration deadlines may be right around the corner, so if auditions need to be held for your advanced ensembles, this would be a good time to get them scheduled. Also, check to see if changes in the master schedule are planned that might affect your students being able to register for your program. Advanced or AP courses can create challenges for some students.
3. Create a video of students talking about the best part of being in band / orchestra, their favorite piece of music, something funny about their director, or their favorite memory from this past year. Assemble these clips into a single video and show it during your spring concert. Parents will love seeing their child and students will enjoy feeling like a movie star. You can also email the video to students at the end of the school year to wish them a happy and safe summer break — they'll be excited about the past year's memories and will look forward to returning after the break.
Want some one on one guidance with your retention efforts?
These retention tips are written by various authors and are compiled from "More to Start, Fewer to Quit" a recruitment, retention, and success newsletter brought to you by The Music Achievement Council and Instrumental Music Center.