Eastman premiered this excellent free Ebook by ShelB Rindahlt this year at NAMM Believe In Music Week.
Safety has been at the top our minds over the last year at IMC, especially in regard to musical instruments.
Below is an excerpt from the first few pages to help you figure out how to best use this ebook for yourself:
"3 Ways to Access This Content
1. Browse it:
Lightly: Read just the table of contents and the unit title boxes to see what sounds interesting. The title page of each unit tells you what is in it and how it flows, so you can choose only the content that matters to you. We won’t be offended if it’s not your thing.
Moderately: Read also the glossary and the Case Stories. If nothing here seems new, you’ve probably already had IC training elsewhere. Test & Apply Your Knowledge, and fill in any gaps.
Heavily: Read also the first section of unit. Early units were written as summary overviews, followed by expanded content. The later units, written in series and concept clusters, are really only needed by professionals who deal with them.
2. Find Your Role:
Players, Parents, and Students:
Read the first chapter of microbes and the whole unit about hygiene. Make sure you have a care guide for managing your own instruments well, since ICI doesn’t build each one individually in that way. Test & Apply Your Knowledge, and make your own sanitary cleaning procedure and instrument care guide.
Teachers and Office Workers: Read also the unit title boxes, so you know which ones touch your work. Use the content in the hygiene starter guides as fodder for writing your own care guides. We built those for you and for your students. Make sure you understand what critical contact type, shared status, and frequency of touch really mean. If you are in charge of music programs, read “Resources Matter” and the first chapters of “Thinking Through.” If you work in an office, add “Offices and Stores.”
Education Administrators: Read also the unit about Business and Policy. If you are responsible for making disinfection choices, read that too. In cases of conflict, do as local your leadership instructs. Our way is not the only good way. Makers and Vendors: Read the first chapter of microbes and the unit about hygiene. Make sure you have care guides for instruments and relevant accessories you make or sell, and that you meet labeling and safety data sheets SDS requirements for chemicals you make or sell.
Repairers and Road-Reps: ICI was first created to support your work, and you’ll need most of it. You’re the first and nearest resource for client questions. Be ready to answer them.
3. Read it all:
As a project, or a series: The whole thing could be read in one long day, or in short sessions for about a week. We were most comfortable with 4 sessions. Charge the gates on the first day, with Microbes and Hygiene. Move through IC and ICI on the second day. Day three covers Disinfection and Business, so it is the heaviest in terminology. Day four is all about application and examples to bring it all together and share real ideas for real people. Finally, Test & Apply Your Knowledge, and build your own cleaning procedure and your own care guide.
As professional training: It is important that repairers and teachers understand the Factors of Risk, Perspectives of Relevance, and C&D Options in Action. It is useful to be able to generate cleaning procedures and care guides, and compassionate to promote better hygiene education for all. It is a waste of student training time to memorize germs on chart. ICI encourages closed book Test (1-60), but unlimited time and resource use for the Application (1-4) of knowledge."