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Teacher Feature - Jim Howell

jim howell playing electric guitar

Jim Howell (he/him/his) is the Director of Instrumental Music at Salpointe Catholic High School.

He's a multi-instrumentalist playing solo and in various group projects around Tucson taking the lead in some, and playing as a sideman (mostly drums) for others.

As a writer, producer, and private lesson teacher Jim has a home studio used for all things musical.

We asked Jim six questions about his life as a musician:

What Instrument Do You Play?

Drum set, guitar, bass, piano, uke, percussion, voice, harmonica

Best flavor of Pop Tart?

Frosted Cherry, served room temp or even slightly chilled. Never toasted (yuck!)

Favorite Piece to Conduct?

Anything where I can conduct a full symphonic band/orchestra, if it swings it's even better! A Charlie Brown (Vince Guaraldi) Medley is one favorite example. Also, I never tire of the standard pregame National Anthem. I always take all three fermatas (like the Sousa Arr.) and make them dramatic!

jim howell conducting school band orchestra

Baton, Pencil, or just your hands?

Baton or just hands. Usually baton.

What Instrument do you WISH you knew how to play?

Trumpet or just better at piano.

Best piece of musical advice you've been given?

"Whatever you do just hit the snare as loud as possible and never back off."

jim howell home studio


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