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Teacher Feature - Rusty Carle-Ogren

Rusty Carle-Ogren

Rusty Carle-Ogren (he/him/his) is the Director of Bands and Choirs at Wrightson Ridge School and a native of Southern Arizona. After attending the University of Arizona for music education, he accepted a position teaching high school band and choir at Sunnyside High School. During his time there, he worked toward National Board Certification to improve his teaching and impact his students in a more positive way.

In 2019 he received his certification in EAYA Music for Band and has taken those same skills and incorporated them into the band and choir program at his new school, Wrightson Ridge K-8 in Sahuarita, AZ.

Rusty has made it his goal to ensure that every student has access to a highly effective teacher in music instruction across the state of Arizona, especially reaching into lower income and high needs schools. Rusty has worked with the AzK12 Center since 2020 to work with candidates in all certificate areas to help increase the quality of education in the entire state of Arizona. He strongly believes that the National Board process is exceptional in helping teachers improve their practice through reflection and self-evaluation and all teachers should strive for certification.

We asked Rusty six questions about his life as a musician:

Rusty Carle-Ogren

What Instrument Do You Play?

Trombone and voice, or screaming trumpet with marching bands.

Best flavor of Pop Tart?

Strawberry with no icing

Favorite Piece to Conduct?

"The Eighth Candle" by Steve Reisteter... anything in a complex meter is wonderful, though.

Baton, Pencil, or just your hands?

Baton for band, hands for choir.

What Instrument do you WISH you knew how to play?

Hurdy gurdy or theremin.

Best piece of musical advice you've been given?

Relax, it's only music. It doesn't have to be perfect, but it has to have meaning.


Want to be included or know a music teacher you'd like us to highlight for our teacher feature? Send us an email!


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