Our Black Friday Rummage Sale is Officially Back
Each year we set up tents and tables in our parking lot and fill them to the brim with instruments we've kept around all year waiting to find their perfect homes (can you keep a secret? ...it's probably your home)
The sale also extends into the store with our owner slashing the prices of instruments on display left and right. She only does this once a year, and it's too good to be missed! Who knows what she'll choose and why she'll choose it? We literally don't even know these things, so it's a surprise for us too!
Come join the treasure hunt this year and take home a little piece of musical magic.
This year you'll find:
- unique instruments
- parts and pieces
- fixer uppers
- new instruments
- used gems
- double rebates on upgrade band instruments
- live music
- discounts even we don't fully understand
& more
Be on the lookout for more announcements coming your way soon so you can plan ahead for the fun.
We'll be sending out various lists of specific instruments that you can expect to be marked down including a value menu of fun accessories and instruments to choose from at the sale.
See you there!