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Teacher Feature - Doc Brown

doc brown band director

Doc Brown (he/him/his) is the Band/Orchestra Director and Band Mentor at Borman K-8, Myers Ganoung K-5 and Banks K-5.

We asked Doc Brown six questions about his life as a musician:

What Instrument Do You Play?

My main instruments are tuba and euphonium.

Best flavor of Pop Tart?

Cinnamon and Brown Sugar (this is objectively true).

Favorite Piece to Conduct?

Santa the Barbarian by Randall Standridge.

Baton, Pencil, or just your hands?

Whichever is closest when I need it!

What Instrument do you WISH you knew how to play?

Piano – I can get by, but to be able to play it fluently would be the goal.

Best piece of musical advice you've been given?

No specific kernel sticks out, but the musician I have grown to be was heavily shaped by the teachings of Velvet Brown (Tuba Professor at Pennsylvania State University)


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