NOW IS THE TIME to schedule your First Performance Concert to take place in the 6th - 7th week of school! There is nothing so exciting as this first concert experience, so take part in the First Performance National Day of Celebration (FPNDOC) celebrated no later than the third Thursday of November (or whenever the timing is best for your program). Don’t wait to get the students pumped up about performing!
Materials provided in the FPNDOC Toolkit include:
Instructional Letter to Director
Modifiable Invitation to Parents
Modifiable Invitation to Principal
Modifiable Certificate of Advancement for Beginners
Ideas to Involve High School Students to serve as Music Education Leaders
Modifiable Certificate of Music Education Leadership for High School Students who serve in support of the event by becoming involved directly
Template Script to Use or Modify
Modifiable Press Release Kit
View 3-minute Summary Video provided by Cheryl Floyd
Directors who engage their students, parents, and administrators in this event early in the year have reported that it:
provides short-range goals and recognition which serve as a motivation for increasing the students’ practice regimen;
encourages early engagement with parents who become even more energized and enthusiastic when they see their child performing with their peers for the very first time; and
strengthens administrative support through direct involvement since the script encourages the principal to serve as the emcee for the concert. As such, the principal will certainly realize the level of contagious enthusiasm exhibited by both the students and their parents. (Some directors have gone so far as to write in triangle parts for principals to perform along with the students. Everyone loves to see administrators get in on the action and it’s fun for them as well.