Making the step up from a student model oboe to an intermediate or professional level instrument is an important moment for every oboe player. It can be hard to know when to upgrade, but there are many clear signs that it might be the right time to take the leap.
Here are 4 common ways to know when to upgrade your oboe:
Your current oboe doesn't sound the way you'd like it to
More opportunities to perform as a oboe player are coming your way
Your teacher suggested it's time
You see yourself playing the oboe for a long time
Want to start the upgrade process? See what financing options or rebates are available!
Learn more about why each of these signs might mean an upgrade is in the near future:
1. Your current oboe doesn't sound the way you'd like it to: Student model instruments are built to prioritize durability, not tone. Higher quality oboes can offer unique tonal quality, response, projection, and looks. The materials oboes are made from, key configuration, bore style, and the craftsmanship of each individual instrument affect all of these factors and are best seen heard through a playtest. Schedule an instrument demo session today at IMC!
2. More opportunities to perform as an oboe player are coming your way: Performing in concert, marching, jazz, and local bands or as a soloist can put new demands on your oboe. Whether you need more projection, a specific tone, or a more consistent and reliable sound, upgrading your instrument can help meet those demands.
3. Your teacher suggested it's time: Whether you're taking oboe lessons or are studying in school, your teacher is an expert. If they've noticed that you have the potential to go far as a oboe player, and think you're capable of getting the most out of a higher quality oboe they may have suggested an upgrade.
4. You see yourself playing the oboe for a long time: Student level instruments are valuable teaching tools, but they may not meet your long term needs as a oboe. Investing in a higher quality instrument can be a once in a lifetime purchase that will set you up for success and last the length of your musical career.
These aren't the only signs it might be time to upgrade. You may simply just want a new oboe. And we fully support that.
Shop our limited online stock or come into the shop to experience our full line and find your new favorite.